Hebrew Hoax

There is not, nor ever has existed, a Hebrew race. This is the greatest hoax ever created, and with zero historical evidence to back it up, yet people still believe it as if it were a fact. Nor is there any historical evidence that Abraham existed, yet three religions: Jewish, Islam, and Christian religions are based on this hoax/fraud. People hold these beliefs based on what they read in the Bible, the Bible is not a historical document and is not historical evidence which wd not be accepted as evidence in a court of law because at best it is in legal terms called "hearsay". Tegarding the unteliability of the Bible I suggest reading two books: Misquoting Jesus: the story behind who changed the Bible, and why by Bart Ehrman, and Who Wrote the Bible by Richard Elliot Friedman.

There is a difference between the terms Hebrew and Jew which I will delve into later on. I am opposed to people who claim to be what they are not, then use this as a pretext to destroy, persecute, steal, and murder other people, which is what we have seen and still see in Palestine. 

I recommend: "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand. Sand was a professor of history at the University of Tel Aviv. The 2d book is "The Bible Unearthed" by Israel Finkekstein who was professor of archeology at the University of Tel Aviv. One interesting finding in his research was that in the levant area, a group as small as a few hundred people cd stay only a few months yet leave ample evidence that they were there, including but not limited to: writing on pottery sherds, animal bones revealing what type of meat they ate and caravanned with them (whether native to that area or not). Then how is it possible to have more than 1 million "Hebrews" in bondage in one location for years with no archeological evidence that they were there?! There is not even any Egyptian record of their presence. Finkelstein traced the route of the supposed exodus and found not one bit of evidence along the way that they supposedly had travelled.

Even the word "Hebrew" is of Egyptian origin and means slave or prisoner, and referred to the Hyksos, (after they were defeated) not the "Hebrews". Thats all I will say for now. After I get access to my research material I will develop this site more extensively. (I only purchased this dimain a few days ago.) In the interim, you may find interesting my site called "Amen" Amen page (which means: "So let it be") in which I explained why I left Christianity, and there is a bibliography there, some of which overlaps the Hebrew/Jewish issues. I welcome your comments and questions:

truth (at) hebrewhoax (dot) com

Please click Hebrew Gods to read an extract from my research about the confusing state of gods in the OT.

Please visit HELL.africa which is in defense of my son Asher.